• 19. 11. 2021

Audits, nonconformities and corrective actions management

Audits, nonconformities and corrective actions management

Audits, nonconformities and corrective actions management 150 150 linda

The „Audits“ module is suitable for managing all types of audits:

  • internal,
  • external,
  • process audits,
  • system audits of various standards and their combinations (ISO 9001, 14001, 27001, IATF 16949 i. e.).

In the EISOD X system you can easily define, follow and manage:

  • Audit program
  • Audit
  • Nonconformity
  • Corrective and preventive action

Audit, nonconformity and action have their own workflow, in accordance with the requirements and terminology of the ISO 19011 standard. It is also possible to choose the alternative WF, which we developed together with our clients.

The system provides various roles for different users. User, who is given a role, gets email notifications with instructions, what exactly is the user expected to do within the workflow. If the employee is not present, deputizing is fully supported:

  • Founder of the program
  • Founder of the audit
  • Manager of the standard
  • Lead and secondary auditors
  • Audited persons
  • Technical experts and observers
  • Audit evaluator
  • Person responsible for the area (for nonconformities)
  • Person responsible for implementing the action

All concerned persons can communicate together easily even in home or distant office, share documents about audits, nonconformities or actions, inform each other about prooves and realized steps. And last but not least, all deadlines are automatically followed a reminded.

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