• 9. 9. 2021

DMS customization for GRAMMER CZ, s.r.o.

DMS customization for GRAMMER CZ, s.r.o.

DMS customization for GRAMMER CZ, s.r.o. 150 150 linda

When implementing the EISOD system in a new company, we always pay attention to the requirements and the environment of each customer.
In GRAMMER CZ, s.r.o. we adapted the system to the possibility of logging in via a chip card.
As part of the document import, we helped with setting up the document structure according to the company’s processes, we optimized the workflow for document approval and the related rights settings.
We also provide GRAMMER CZ an active support service, during which we communicate very intensively so that the start of running of EISOD is easy and the new system is positively received by the company employees.

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